CSC1023 Quiz 10

Spring 2012
Herbert J. Bernstein ( )

CSC1023 Quiz 10
Spring 2012


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This is the ninthth weekly quiz to be taken on Friday, 27 April 2012 after you have completed the assignment 7. In order to do this quiz, you must use a computer that has Python and IDLE installed. You may use Dowling's computer laboratory computers or you may install Python on your own computer. If you have done the work of the asignment, this quiz should take half an hour to 2 hours to do. You may not help one another.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Please fill in the following information:



Skype ID:

Please answer the following questions on this form.

  1. Give the URL of your blog entry giving your experience in implementing one of the three games in three games in chapters 10, 11 or 12.

  2. Give the URL or your course project and briefly summarize both what it is intended to do and how well it does it.

  3. Explain how the images of the pizza get into the Pizza Panic game and end up being displayed on the screen in many different locations.

  4. For credit worth 2 quizzes, summarize everything you learned in this course. Think of this as a way to get your notes together for the final.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Revised 24 April 2012