temps.java Example of a JApplet

//  temps.java
//  Created by Herbert J. Bernstein on 10/2/11.
//  Copyright 2011 Herbert J. Bernstein. All rights reserved.
//  A demonstration applet for temperature conversions
//  This will be set up to run both as an applet and
//  as an application
//  The basic structure is based on the tutorial by
//  William Wilson at
//  http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/28410-application-to-japplet-and-reverse/
//  with some useful tidbits from
//  http://leepoint.net/notes-java/deployment/applications_and_applets/70applets.html

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class temps extends JApplet    
    appPanel apppanel;
    JTextField tempF;
    JTextField tempC;
    double FahrenheitTemp;
    double CentigradeTemp;

    public temps()  //default constructor
        System.out.println("creating temperature conversion object");
    public void init()  // to call on load (once)
        // System.out.println("initializing temperature conversion applet");
        Container outerpane=getContentPane();  // The ContentPane is the
                                           // place where we add all the
                                           // components of the applet
        apppanel = new appPanel();  // starting with a panel 
                                           // that has within it eveything
                                           // we will draw
    public void start() // to call after load
        // System.out.println("temperature conversion applet starting");
    public void stop() // to call at the end
        // System.out.println("temperature conversion applet stopping");
    public void destroy() // to call on exit
    public class appPanel extends JPanel  // this is where we really do
                                          // the drawing for the applet
        public appPanel() //applet panel object
            // System.out.println("temperature conversion panel created");
            this.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            this.add(new JLabel("Enter Fahrenheit Temp here:"));
            tempF = new JTextField("?",20);
            this.add(new JLabel("Enter Centigrade Temp here:"));
            tempC = new JTextField("?",20);
            // When changes are made to tempF compute tempC
            tempF.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                 String FahrenheitText = tempF.getText();
                 try {
                     FahrenheitTemp = Double.parseDouble(FahrenheitText);
                     CentigradeTemp = (FahrenheitTemp-32.)*5./9.;
                 }catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                     tempF.setText("Please enter a valid number: " + nfe.getMessage());
            // When changes are made to tempC compute tempF
            tempC.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                  String CentigradeText = tempC.getText();
                  try {
                      CentigradeTemp = Double.parseDouble(CentigradeText);
                      FahrenheitTemp = 32.+ CentigradeTemp*9./5.;
                  }catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                      tempC.setText("Please enter a valid number: " + nfe.getMessage());
    // This is the main program to convert the applet to
    // an application
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        JFrame DrawingFrame = new JFrame("Temperature Conversions");  //Make the frame
        DrawingFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);  //Be sure is closes on exit
        temps applet = new temps();                                   //Make an applet instance
        DrawingFrame.setContentPane(applet);                          //Give this frame to the applet
        applet.init();                                                //Initialize the applet
        DrawingFrame.setSize(350,200);                                //Set the frame size
        DrawingFrame.setVisible(true);                                //Make the frame visible
        applet.start();                                               //If the applet has start logic
                                                                      //run it
