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Herbert J. Bernstein Professor of Computer Science
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1300 William Floyd Parkway, B205, Shirley, NY 11967

91324 CSC 2060N -- Computer Organization -- Fall 2012
Online Course
Quiz 2

This web page is http://www.bernstein-plus-sons.com/.dowling/CSC2060F12/CSC2060_Quiz_2.html
Copyright © 2010, 2012 Herbert J. Bernstein and other parties. All rights reserved.

This is the weekly quiz for 27 September 2012 for the CSC 2060 course. Please do this quiz after you have completed the rest of assignment 2. It should take between one hour and 5 hours to complete if you are well prepared, longer if not. You may study together, but you must do your own work on this quiz.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

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  1. Explain the role of the CPU in the design of a computer. Explain the role of the instruction counter and of the instruction register in the design of a CPU.

  2. Explain the concepts of a data path, registers, ALU and buses and the relationship among them.

  3. List the steps in instruction execution.

  4. Explain ther distinction between RISC and CISC.

  5. List Tanenbaum's design principles for modern computers.

  6. Explain the distinction between instruction-level parallelism and processor-level parallelism.

  7. Explain the distinction between big-endian and little-endian.

  8. Explain the concept of a Hamming distance and give an example.

  9. Explain the relationship between ASCII, Latin-1 and Unicode.

  10. Explain what happens when light strikes a CCD.

  11. Explain how halftoning works.

  12. Explain Direct Memory Access.

  13. Explain the relationship between RAID level 2 and throughput.

  14. Define the giga, tera, peta, exa, nano, pico, femto and atto prefixes.

  15. Explain Moore's law.

  16. Summarize the three most important things you learned from Prof. Raman's 3rd lecture.

  17. Summarize the three most important things you learned from Prof. Raman's 4th lecture.

  18. Summarize the three most important things you learned from Prof. Raman's 5th lecture.

  19. Summarize the three most important things you learned from Prof. Raman's 6th lecture.

  20. Summarize the three most important things you learned from Prof. Raman's 7th lecture.

  21. Summarize the three most important things you learned from Prof. Raman's 8th lecture.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Updated 1 September 2012.