Object Modeling

By Herbert J. Bernstein

© Copyright 2000,2002 Herbert J. Bernstein

Object Modeling is a general framework for designing information systems. It focus in objects, the actions they perform and the messages they send to one another to cause those actions to be taken. The major differences among object modeling, network modelling, data modeling and process modeling are that in the first we focus on the actions in response to information, objects which form the system, the actions they perform, and the ways in which they pass information to one another, while in the second we concentrate on where, when and how much information is moved, while in the third we focus on what information is moved and where it is moved, while in the last we focus on how it is moved and when it is moved.

Object Modelingresponse to information (objects, actions, messages)
Network Modelingwhere information is moved (and when and how much)
Data Modelingwhat information is moved (and where)
Process Modelinghow information is moved (and when)

The Object Model

Last Updated on 15 October 2002
By Herbert J. Bernstein
Email: yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com