Introduction to Python

By Herbert J. Bernstein
© Copyright 2010 Herbert J. Bernstein

Python is a scripting language and general purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s (see It has become very popular for a wide range of applications, often providing the framework for gluing powerful C-based algorithms to GUI interfaces (see making complete graphics productions programs by using tcl/tk (a rapid prototyping scripting language, via an interface package called Tkinter (

This is a brief introduction to and summary of python statements. Python comes in several different versions. Currently, versions 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 are the most commonly used. This introduction will be based on version 2.7. Some portions of the language have been glossed over or omitted here. The newer, but incompatible Python 3 ( is not discussed.

For more detail on python syntax, see

A python program may be created a line at a time, interactively, or as a text document.

When we write in most languages, we use linear sequences of characters or glyphs, some of which are group together to make the words of the language and some of which are used as punctuation to help us organize those words. The words and punctuation are called "tokens".

In python, (as well as in C, C++, java and JavaScript) the characters used are drawn from a limited set of characters, that must, at a minimum include representations of

Python permits many more characters than this, allowing all the characters of the 7-bit ASCII character set for the programs themselves and can handle text string drawn from the entire 8-bit multibyte Unicode character set called UTF-8 (see

Multiple "physical lines" may be joined together by ending a line with an unquoted reverse solidus ("\")

Lines are scanned for "tokens".

In Python the spacing at the beginning of a line is, in and of itself, a significant token. Line indentation is used to organize multiple lines of statements into blocks in much the same way that "{" and "}" are used in C, C++, java and JavaScript.

The remaining tokens are organized into keywords, identifiers, literals ( what we would call strings and constants in other languages), operators and delimiters.

The keywords are the reserved words of the language. The words that are used as keywords or otherwise reserved in Python are: and, as, assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, except, exec, finally, for, not, or, pass, print, raise, return, try, while, with, yield, and None. To help ensure protablility of code to C, C++, java or JavaScript, the following words should also not be used for used-defined identifiers. abstract, asm, auto, boolean, byte, case, catch, char, const, default, delete do, double, entry, enum, export, extends, extern, false, final, float, for, friend, function, goto, implements, in, inline, instanceof, int, interface, long, native, new, null, operator, package, private, protected, public, register, short, signed, sizeof, static, strictfp, struct, super, switch, synchronized, template, this, throw, throws, transient, true, typedef, typeof, union, unsigned, var, virtual, void, volatile,

Identifiers are sequences of letters, digits and underscores. The first character of an identifier must be a letter or an underscore. Only the letters from A-Z and a-z are permitted (no accented letters, no currency symbols as in some other languages). The Python interpreter reserves the special identifier consisting of a single underscore to return the result of its last evaluation. There are many other special uses of identifiers beginning with the underscore, so it is not a good idea to start a user-defined identifier with the underscore. In particular all identifiers beginning and ending with two underscores are reserved for system-defined names. The keywords and reserved words should not be used as identifiers.


Each portion of a Python program consists of a sequence of statements. A statement may be a small statement, a simple statement or a compound statement. A simple statement is a series of one or more small statements separated by semicolons and all formatted on a single line. The last semicolon on the line is optional and is not normally used. A compound statement extends over multiple lines beginning with lines that establish the purpose of the compound statement followed by indented lines that do the work of the statement.

A small expression may by any of the following:

A compound statement may be any of the following:


Python has many operators. They are similar to, but in some ways distinct from the C, C++ and Java operators. See The operators in Python are:

expression statements

An expression statement consists of a comma separated list of one or more expressions. The expressions are evaluated in turn, performing whatever action has been specified. An expression is made up of identifiers, literals (constants), operators (things that combine the identifiers and constants), function calls, members of classes, etc. The most important operation is called "assignment", using the equals sign to form what is called an assignment statement

    target_list = expression_list

which takes a comma separated list of one or more expressions, evaluates them and stores the result into a comma separates list of one or more target variable identifiers. The entire right-hand side (rhs) of the assignment expression is evaluated before anything is stores into the variable identifiers on the left-hand side. Very complex things can happen when the variable identifiers refer to classes.

The equals sign can be "augmented" with an operator to be applied to combine the variable identifiers on the left-hand side with the expressions on the right-hand side before storing back into the variable identifiers on the left-hand side.

    target_list += expression_list
    target_list -= expression_list
    target_list *= expression_list
    target_list /= expression_list
    target_list //= expression_list
    target_list %= expression_list
    target_list **= expression_list
    target_list >>= expression_list
    target_list <<= expression_list
    target_list &= expression_list
    target_list ^= expression_list
    target_list |= expression_list

print statement

The print statement takes expressions, formats them as text for printing and either prints them to the standard output or to a file.

    print expression
    print expression , expression ...
    print >>: file_expression , expression ...

When the print statement ends in a comma, the next print statement will continue on the same line. Otherwise each print statement ends with a newline character. If the print statement has no expression and no comma, it just generates an empty line.

del statement

The del statement removes the definition of an identifier

    del identifier

pass statement

The pass statement does nothing. It just full the gap when a statement is needed to obey the syntax rules, but you don't really wish to do anything.


break, continue, return, raise and yield statements

Normally program execution just runs forward down the list of statement with the same indentation. This flow can be modifies by the break, continue, return, raise and yield statements. The break stement terminates all further iteration of a loop. The continue statement terminated only the current iteration of a loop. The return statement ends execution of the statements of a function and optionally returns a value from the function. The raise statement generates and exception (an error) or regenerates the last exception. The yield statement is very much like a return statement but only for the special one-use functions called generators used to provide specially calculated values for for statements on the fly (see



    return expression

    return expression

    yield expression

import statement

The import statement allows names defined in code fragments in other modules (files of code) to be imported from those other modules. In its simplest form it is

which brings in all the identifiers. It is possible to specify what is to be imported in great detail.

global statement

The global statement makes an identifier available to all the code in the current code block.

    global identifier

exec statement

The exec statement allows a string to be executed as Python code. Only unix-style line termination is recognized.

    exec expression

assert statement

The assert statement will force an AssertionError exeception if the specified expression is false.

    assert expression

if statement

The if statement allows a code fragment to be executed only if an expression if true. An option elif clause allows additional expressions to be tested. An optional else clause allows a specified code fragment to be executed if all the if ans elif expression are false.

    if expression ":"
        statement to execute if true
        statement to execute if true
        statement to execute if true
    elif expression ":"
        statement to execute if true
        statement to execute if true
        statement to execute if true
        statement to execute if false
        statement to execute if false
        statement to execute if false

while statement

The while statement repeatedly executes a code fragment as long as an expression is true. An optional else clause specifies a code fragment to be executed once when the expession is false. A break statement inside the loop can end the loop without executing the else clause. A continue statement ends the current pass of the loop.

    while expression ":"
        statement to execute each time
        statement to execute each time
        statement to execute each time
    else ":"
        statement to once after the loop
        statement to once after the loop
        statement to once after the loop

for statement

The for stement allows the same code fragment to be executed in a specified list of cases. An optional else clause specifies a code fragment to be executed once when the list of expressions is exhausted. A break statement inside the loop can end execution without executing the else clause. A continue statement ends the current pass of the loop.

    for identifier_list in expression_list ":"
        statement to execute on each expression
        statement to execute on each expression
        statement to execute on each expression
    else ":"
        statement to once after the loop
        statement to once after the loop
        statement to once after the loop

This is different for the C for-loop, but a similar effect can be achieved by using the range function to generate an expression list that is a sequence of numbers.

try statement

The try statement allows for recovery from exceptions (errors) in a code fragment

    try :
        statement to try
        statement to try
        statement to try
    except expression_specifying_the_error :
        statement to handle this error case
        statement to handle this error case
        statement to handle this error case
    except :
        statement to handle any remaining error case
        statement to handle any remaining error case
        statement to handle any remaining error case
    finally :
        statement to execute in all cases
        statement to execute in all cases
        statement to handle execute in all cases

with statement

The with statement was introduced in Python 2.5 to allow for controlled execution of a code fragment on particular objects, even in the presence of errors that might otherwise prevent execution of some necessary code. See

    with expression as identifier :

comments and docstrings

You may insert annotation to help the reader of python program, comments that will be ignored by the Python system by using the hash character ("#") or the treble quote mark ("""). The hash character causes al characters from that point onwards on a given line to be ignored. Normal parsing resumes on the next line.

The treble quote mark is used to delimit multiline strings, but when a treble-quote-mark delimited string appears as the first indented statement of a function, class or module, it is treated as a documentation string, or "docstring" intended to provide a descriptive comment.


function definitions

A function is a named set of statements to be executed when that name is "called". When a function is made part of an object it is called a method.

A function definition consists of the keyword "def" followed by the name of the function, optionally followed by a parenthsized argument list then a colon and then and then the indented statements defining the what the function does.

    def identifier (  formal_argument_list ) :

If a method does not have formal arguments, the identifier is followed either by an empty pair of parentheses followed by the colon, or, equivalently, directly by the colon without even the empty parentheses.

class definitions

A class definition consists of the keyword "class" followed by the name of the class, then a colon and then and then the indented statement defining the class, usually function definitions for the functions that are members of the class. A class may inherit from other classes by following the name of the class with a parenthesized, comma separated list of base classes from which this class will inherit function definitions and variables.

    class identifier :


Decorators on function and class definitions are patterns that allow the class or function that follows to be modified to conform to that pattern. Another term for this is a "macro". See for an explanation.

Prepared by Herbert J. Bernstein 30 August 2010.

© Copyright 2010 Herbert J. Bernstein. All Rights Reserved.