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Information for cyclops 2.1.4, 12 May 97

Before using this software, please read the
and please read the IUCr
on the Use of the Crystallographic Information File (CIF)

*%%%%%%|--2--|%%%%%%*   C Y C L O P S 2 ...... STAR data name checker
    *%%%%%%%%%%%*                Version 2.1.4
       *%%%%%*                    12 May 1997

 CYCLOPS2 is a fortran program for checking STAR data names against data
 -------- name dictionaries written in DDL-STAR format proposed by Tony Cook
          of ORAC Ltd., Leeds. Data names may be checked in any text file.

          CYCLOPS Version 2

              Copyright © 1997
              Sydney R. Hall (syd@crystal.uwa.edu.au)
              Crystallography Centre
              University of Western Australia
              Nedlands 6009, AUSTRALIA
              Copyright © 1997
              Herbert J. Bernstein (yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com)
              Bernstein + Sons
              5 Brewster Lane
              Bellport, NY 11713, U.S.A.

          Version 2 handles DDL1 and DDL2 dictionaries, and uses CIFtbx2

 The latest program source and information is available from:

 Em: syd@crystal.uwa.edu.au       ,-_|\      Sydney R. Hall
 sendcif@crystal.uwa.edu.au      /     \     Crystallography Centre
 Fx: +61 9 380 1118          --> *_,-._/     University of Western Australia
 Ph: +61 9 380 2725                   v      Nedlands 6009, AUSTRALIA

In order to ensure continuing availability of source code and documentation CYCLOPS2 and its documentation are subject to copyright. This does not prevent you from using the program, from making copies and changes, but prevents the creation of "closed source" versions out of the open source versions. See NOTICE.

Science is best served when the tools we use are fully understood by those who wield those tools and by those who make used of results obtained with those tools. When a scientific tool exists as software, access to source code is an important element in achieving full understanding of that tool. As our field evolves and new versions of software are required, access to source allows us to adapt our tools quickly and effectively.

In the early days of software development, most scientific software source code was freely and openly shared with a minimum of formalities. These days, it appears that carefully drawn legal documents are necessary to protect free access to the source code of scientific software. We are all deeply indebted to Richard Stallman for showing us how a creative combination of copyrights and seemingly restrictive licenses could give us truly unfettered freedom to use programs, to read their source code and to develop new versions. The GNU project, and the Linux project have shown that an open source approach works. We use the GNU General Public License (the "GPL") for our program starting with the releases of CIFtbx3. Older versions use the license from OpenRasmol. The OpenRasMol conditions for use have correctly been called "GPL-like".

If you are a user of this program, you will find that the copyrights and notices ask little more of you than that you avoid mistakes by others by keeping the notices with copies, display scientific integrity by citing your sources properly and treating this like other shared scientific developments by not inferring a warranty. If you are a software developer and wish to incorporate what you find here into new code, or to pick up bits and pieces and used them in another context, the situation becomes more complex. Read the copyrights and notices carefully. You will find that they are "infectious". Whatever you make from our Open Source code must itself be offered as Open Source code. In addition, in order to allow users to understand what has changed and to ensure orderly development you have to describe your changes.

This version of CYCLOPS is released with CIFtbx2. Before reading this document, please read the CIFtbx2 README file. The basic instructions for building CYCLOPS2 are included with those for building CIFtbx2. Additional information needed for the installation of CYCLOPS appears in the section INSTALLATION NOTES, below. If you are on a UNIX system, the Makefile for CIFtbx2 can be used to build and test cyclops.


CYCLOPS reads the text containing data names from the standard input device (normally device 5). One or more STAR data name dictionaries (in DDL format) are opened (normally from unit 1). A report on the data names is output to the standard output device (normally device 6). Messages are output to the standard error device (normally device 0). If an error is encountered in attempting to write to the standard error device, further messages output is diverted to the standard output device.

NOTE: If no dictionaries are specified on the command line, an attempt is made to open a file named "STARDICT" to use either as a dictionary or from which to obtain a list of names of dictionaries.

STARDICT may directly contain a dictionary as in version 1 of CYCLOPS, or contain a list of file names of dictionaries, one per line. In that case the list must begin with the line for which the first 5 characters are "#DICT". The list of unreferenced data names is suppressed unless the line "#VERBOSE" appears in STARDICT, or the command line argument "-v yes" is used.

In a UNIX-like environment, the program is run as:

     cyclops [-i input_text] [-o validation_output] \
         [-d dictionary] [-p priority] [-c catck] \
         [-f command_file] [-v verbose] [-s short]\
         input_text defaults to $CYCLOPS_INPUT_TEXT or stdin
         validation_output defaults to $CYCLOPS_VALIDATION_OUT or stdout
         dictionary defaults to $CYCLOPS_CHECK_DICTIONARY
           (multiple dictionaries may be specified)
           input_text of "-" is stdin, validation_output of 
           "-" is stdout
         -c has values of t or 1 or y vs. f or 0 or n,
           (default f, i.e. no category checking),
         -v has values of t or 1 or y vs. f or 0 or n,
           (default f, i.e. non-verbose),
         -s has values of t or 1 or y vs. f or 0 or n,
           (default f, i.e. not short),
           short restricts output to items not in dictionaries
         -p has values of first, final or nodup 
           (default first for first dictionary has priority)
         a command file may contain additional arguments


Here is the recommended procedure for implementing and testing this version of cyclops.

1.0. Before you try to install this version of cyclops2

      *** ========================================================== ***
      *** ========================================================== ***
      *** ==>>> You must have ciftbx version 2.5.4 or greater  <<<== ***
      *** ==>>> installed in a directory named ciftbx.src.     <<<== ***
      *** ==>>> The scripts mkdecompln and rmdecompln, which   <<<== ***
      *** ==>>> come with ciftbx, must be installed in the     <<<== ***
      *** ==>>> top level directory and executable.            <<<== ***
      *** ==>>> To test cyclops, you must have compressed      <<<== ***
      *** ==>>> copies of cif_core.dic and cif_mm.dic installed<<<== ***
      *** ==>>> in a directory named dictionaries.             <<<== ***
      *** ========================================================== ***
      *** ========================================================== ***
The directory structure within which you will work is
                  top level directory
            |              |             | 
       dictionaries   ciftbx.src     cyclops.src
       ------------   ----------     -----------

You may have acquired this package in one of several forms. The most likely are as a "C-shell Archive," a "Shell Archive", or as separate files. The idea is to get to separate files, all in the same directory, named cyclops.src, parallel to the directory ciftbx.src, but let's start with the possibility that you got the package as one big file, i.e. in one of the archive file formats. Place the archive in the top level directory.

     *** ========================================================== ***
     *** ========================================================== ***
     *** ==>>> The files in this kit will unpack into a       <<<== ***
     *** ==>>> directory named cyclops.src.  It is a good idea<<<== ***
     *** ==>>> to save the current contents of cyclops.src    <<<== ***
     *** ==>>> and then to make the directory empty           <<<== ***
     *** ========================================================== ***
     *** ========================================================== ***
If you are on a machine which does not provide a unix-like shell, you will need to take apart the archive by hand using a text editor. We'll get to that in a moment.


If you have the shell archive on a unix machine, follow the instructions at the front of the archive, i.e. save the uncompressed archive file as "file", then, if the archive is a "Shell Archive" execute "sh file". If the archive is a "C-Shell Archive" execute "csh file".


If sh or csh are not available, then it is best to start with the "C-Shell Archive" and do the steps that follow. If you must use the "Shell Archive" you should be aware that the lines you want to extract have been prefixed with "X", while most of the lines you want to discard have not. For a "C-Shell Archive" such prefixes are rare and the file is easier to read. Assume you have a "C-Shell Archive".

Use your editor to separate the different parts of the file into individual files in your workspace. Each part starts with a lot of unixisms, then several blank lines and then two lines which identify the file, and most importantly, contain the text "CUT_HERE_CUT_HERE_CUT_HERE" You can look at the line before and the line after to see if you are at the head or tail of a file. Use your editor to search for the "CUT_HERE" lines. Each part is carefully labeled and indicates the recommended filename for the separated file. On some machines these filenames may need to be altered to suit the OS or compiler.


The partitions are as follows:

   part  filename                      description

     1   gpl.txt                       GPL (GNU General Public License)
     2   NOTICE                        Notices
     3   cyclops.src/README.cyclops    this file       
     4   cyclops.src/MANIFEST          a list of files in the kit
     5   cyclops.src/Makefile          a control file for make
                                       to compile and test the code
     6   cyclops.src/cyclops.cmn       CYCLOPS common block
     7   cyclops.src/cyclops.f         CYCLOPS fortran source
     8   cyclops.src/cyclops_test.prt  CYCLOPS stdout test output
     9   cyclops.src/mtest.cyc         CYCLOPS STARCHEK output


Here are the recommended steps for a UNIX system. Vary this according to the requirements of your OS and compiler. You will find it simplest to work if you place the cyclops files together in a common subdirectory named 'cyclops.src'. Be very careful if you place them in a directory with other files, since some of the build and test instructions remove or overwrite existing files, especially with extensions such as '.o', '.lst', or '.diff'. On a UNIX system, most of what you need to do to build and test cyclops is laid out in Makefile. *** Be sure to examine and edit this file appropriately before using it.*** But, once properly edited, all you should need to do is 'make clean' to remove old object files, 'make all' to build new version of 'cyclops' and 'make tests' to test what you have built.

For non-UNIX-like environments, you will have to provide replacements for iargc, getarg and getenv. The following are reasonable possibilities:

          integer function iargc(dummy)
          subroutine getarg(narg,string)
          integer narg
          character*(*) string
          if (narg.eq.1) string='-vn'

          subroutine getenv(evar,string)
          character*(*) evar,string
         *  string='STARTEXT'//char(0)
         *  string='STARCHEK'//char(0)
         *  string=char(0)

This combination of substitute routines would "wire-in" CYCLOPS2 to read its input text from a file named STARTEXT, write the validations output to a file named STARCHEK, and check names against the default dictionary or file listing dictionaries STARDICT

Note that the PARAMETER 'MAXBUF' should contain the maximum number of characters contained on a single text line. The default value is 200.

If you don't wish to use the Makefile or can't, then here are the essential steps to build cyclops:

(a) compile 'cyclops.f' [note that you will need the files 'cyclops.cmn', 'ciftbx.cmn', ciftbx.cmv', 'ciftbx.cmf', and 'ciftbx.sys' in the same directory as cyclops.f, or you will need to change the fortran includes.]

(b) if you hove not already done so, compile 'ciftbx.f' and 'hash_funcs.f' to create the object files 'ciftbx.o' and 'hash_funcs.o'.

(c) link 'cyclops.o', 'ciftbx.o' and 'hash_funcs.o' together to make the program 'cyclops'

(d) if at all possible, please test cyclops by creating a file named 'STARDICT' with the three lines

and place a copy of cif_core.dic and of cif_mm.dic into the same directory. Then execute the command
       ./cyclops mtest.prt STARCHEK 2> cyclops_test.lst
Compare STARCHEK to 'mtest.cyc' and 'cyclops_test.lst' to 'cyclops_test.prt' There should not be any differences.

(e) if you have any problems with this process please report them to Herbert J. Bernstein [em: yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com, ph: 1-516-286-1339, fax: 1-516-286-1999] for the changes from CYCLOPS to CYCLOPS2 in particular, or to Syd Hall [em: syd@crystal.uwa.edu.au fx: 61(9)3801118] for general ciftbx and CYCLOPS issues. If in doubt as to where your problem lies, send it to whichever one of us is more likely to be convenient to your time-zone, and we will try to sort things out for you.


     dictionary input         input   on device 1
       Optionally a list of dictionaries, 1 per line after a #DICT line
     validation output        output  on device 6 ('stdout')
     Input text               input   on device 1, if a file, 5  if 'stdin'
     Message device           output  on device 0 ('stderr')
       may be diverted to the validation output file
     Direct access            in/out  on device 3


The following is a portion of CYCLOPS report output when run to check the file mtest.lst from this kit against the dictionaries cif_core.dic and cif_mm.dic:

                    CYCLOPS Check List

                Dictionary data names  = 2244
                New data names in text =    4
                [1]  Dictionary cif_core.dic 2.0.1 data names =   624
                [2]  Dictionary cif_mm.dic 0.9.01 data names =  1620

 Data names NOT in Dictionary                         Line Numbers

 _blat1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9    11    94    96
                                               197   199   306   312   318   324
 _blat2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13    15    98   100
                                               201   203   303   309   315   321
 _dummy_test   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5     7    90    92
                                               193   195   217
 _rubish_here  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   447

 [1]  Dictionary cif_core.dic 2.0.1
 [2]  Dictionary cif_mm.dic 0.9.01
                                                      Line Numbers

 [2] _atom_site.calc_attached_atom   . . . . . . . . . .   429
 [1] = _atom_site_calc_attached_atom                       428
 [2] _atom_site.calc_flag  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   426
 [1] = _atom_site_calc_flag                                425
 [2] _atom_site.fract_x  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    38    44    50   406
 [1] = _atom_site_fract_x                                  405
 [2] _atom_site.fract_y  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    39    45    51   410
 [1] = _atom_site_fract_y                                  409
 [2] _atom_site.fract_z  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    40    46    52   414
 [1] = _atom_site_fract_z                                  413


There were major changes to CYCLOPS2 in the transition to version 2.1.0. In addition to major restructuring of the output, input and output files are handled very differently. CYCLOPS2 now reads the input text file from the standard input file, writes the report to the standard output file, and writes messages to the standard error file. The redirection to specific files in UNIX may be given either by listing the source and target filenames on the command line or by using "<" and ">". This makes is easier to use CYCLOPS2 as a "filter" in UNIX-like environments, but invalidates jobs which depend on the former CYCLOPS2 behavior inherited from CYCLOPS: writing the report to a file named "STARCHEK" and messages to the standard output file. For example, if, on a UNIX system, under sh, you had a command line of the form:
    cyclops < text > summary
the new command line could be
    cyclops text STARCHEK 2> summary


CYCLOPS2 works very much that same way CYCLOPS version 1 works. However, the dictionary processing, for good or ill, is now that used by CIFtbx2. This means that some user-defined dictionaries which do not follow CIF-style dictionary practices may produce warning messages. We had to make this change to be able to find all the name definitions in the newer DDL2-based dictionaries, since some names definitions are embedded in loops quite remote from the defining tags.

The STARCHEK output has been reorganized to be more practical with very large dictionaries. The list of data names not defined in any dictionary now comes first. This is followed by the data names which are both defined and referenced. Finally, the names which are defined but not referenced are listed.

The number of line numbers listed for any name has been reduced from 99 to 19. If there are more than 19 lines on which a name is used, this is indicated after the 10th line number by ".." with the first 10 and the last 9 line numbers being explicitly given.

To avoid having to copy large dictionaries and to allow for multiple, layered dictionaries, the file STARDICT may optionally contain a list of paths to dictionaries to load. To distinguish this case from a dictionary loaded directly from STARDICT, the first 5 characters of STARTDICT must be "#DICT" followed by a list of dictionary file names, one per line. If the dictionaries are not in the same directory, give full path names to the proper directories.

***** WARNING ***** CYCLOPS2 will overwrite an existing STARCHEK file without warning messages.

Release 2.1.4 restored the missing code for the "-f command-file" command line option. Examples were changed to use cif_core.dic and cif_mm.dic. Several typos in the documentation were corrected. The Makefile was updated to use compressed dictionaries. The new command line option "-c catck" to control dictionary category checking was added. The default is not to check.

Release 2.1.3 added the option "-p priority" to the command line, and changed the handling to STARDICT to prevent opening of STARDICT if any dictionaries are specified on the command line. The default list of tags to be ignored was updated from the DDL0 list to the DDL1.4 list. The scan for tags enclosed in parentheses, brackets or braces was made more robust.

Release 2.1.2 added the option "#SHORT" to STARDICT and "-s short" to the command line to allow for a short output of unreferenced names only. A bug which prevented recognition of names of the form "*_name" was corrected. Duplicate dictionary file names are now detected and removed.

Release 2.1.1 made the necessary changes to adapt to the reorganization of 'ciftbx.cmn' and 'ciftbx.sys' in ciftbx 2.5.1.

Release 2.1.0 reorganized the report, so that "[n]" is used to identify the fact that a tag came from dictionary "n" in a consolidated report for all dictionaries sorted alphabetically by name, first giving the data names which were not referenced, then the data names which were referenced, and, optionally (depending on the command-line argument -v[y|n]), a section reporting the data names defined in the dictionary, but not referenced.

Release 2.0.4 used ciftbx 2.4.6 to report upper/lower case versions of data item names.

Release 2.0.3 introduced support for aliases. The output is annotated with the remarks "Referenced Alias: ..." or "Unreferenced Alias: ..." listing the name of any referenced or unreferenced aliases to the name being cited. An unreferenced alias is not given a further listing, but a referenced alias will be listed with its own citations.

Release 2.0.2 fixed a problem with identification of data names within quoted strings. In this release, the first blank after the initial underscore terminates the search for the end of the token.

Release 2.0.1 differed from release 2.0 in having the format of the REPORT output cleaned up for better column alignment and some missing parameters on some of the cerr calls corrected.


See PROGRAM OPERATION, above, for the full cyclops command line. However, for routine use, an approach very similar to that followed with CYCLOPS may still be followed. This simple script file 'cyclops.sh' might be useful to execute CYCLOPS on Unix machines.

*** ===>>>Note the change in line 12 from the same example in earlier versions of 'cyclops.sh' <<<=== ***

     #! /bin/sh
     if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
     rm STARCHEK
     rm STARDICT
     echo "#DICT" > STARDICT
     echo $DICT >> STARDICT
     cyclops $1 STARCHEK
     rm STARDICT
     vi STARCHEK
As a first test, after compiling and linking cyclops.f to create cyclops, use the above script to check 'cif_core.dic' itself.


     cyclops.sh cif_core.dic
Note that the two "extra" data names detected in the dictionary arose from an appendix and an example. Use the listed line numbers to check this in the dictionary file.

If you have a CIF that you wish to validate against the IUCr core dictionary, enter:

If you have a CIF that you wish to validate against another dictionary (say, cifdic.P92), enter:
     cyclops.sh  cifdic.P92

Updated 24 July 2005
