CSC1023 Quiz 3

Spring 2012
Herbert J. Bernstein ( )

CSC1023 Quiz 3
Spring 2012


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This is the third weekly quiz to be taken on Friday, 17 February 2012 after you have completed assignment 3. In order to do this quiz, you must use a computer that has Python and IDLE installed. You may use Dowling's computer laboratory computers or you may install Python on your own computer. In answering questions on this quiz, assume the use of Python, specifically Python 3. Check you answers against both the Dawson text and by actually running IDLE. Be warned that there are differences between Python 2 and Python 3, and you will be marked down for failing to account for those differences. It should take out approximately half an hour to 2 hours to answer these questions. You may not help one another.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Please fill in the following information:



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Please answer the following questions on this form.

  1. Give the instruction for installing Python 3 on Windows exactly as they are given in the Dawson text. Even if you have a Mac, give the Windows instructions.

  2. According to Dawson, what is IDLE?

  3. According to Dawson, what should you do to write a program that displays Game Over on the screen?

  4. Explain why

    print("Game Over")

    will work, but

    Print("Game Over")


  5. According to Dawson, what should you do to save and run your program when you program in script mode? Explain in detail.

  6. How can you keep the output of python program from disappearing before you have a chance to look at the output? Explain in detail.

  7. Carefully explain the use of quotes in strings. Explain single, double and triple quotes.

  8. Explain how to print multiple values in a single call to print.

  9. Explain how to use a tab stop when printing in Python and what it does.

  10. Explain how to insert a newline and what it does.

  11. Explain how to concatenate and repeat strings in Python.

  12. Explain in detail with examples the meanings of the following operators in Python: +, -, *, /, //, %

  13. Explain the Python assignment operator in detail, using an example that creates a variable and makes use of the input function to get user input. Be careful to write complete sentences and explain things fully.

  14. Explain the string methods upper, lower, title and replace with examples. Be careful to write complete sentences and explain things fully.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Revised 11 February 2012