CSC2025 Quiz 2

Fall 2013
Herbert J. Bernstein ( )

CSC2025 Quiz 2
Fall 2013


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Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 Herbert J. Bernstein and other parties. All rights reserved.

This is quiz 2 to be taken by Tuesday, 24 September 2013. It should take you between half an hour and 2 hours to answer the following questions. You should do this quiz after doing the rest of assignment 1.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Please fill in the following information:



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Please answer the following questions on this form (or on a paper copy of this form).

  1. Summarize your proposed portfolio project

  2. Explain in detail the ways in which your proposed portfolio project will demonstrate your skills and content knowledge related to this course.

  3. Explain in detail what aspects of this portfolio project will be your own original creative effort.

  4. Explain in detail what aspects of this portfolio project will not be your own original creative effort and where those aspects will come from and what permissions you need in order to use them.

  5. Explain in detail what support services you will use for this project.

  6. What open source license will you use for your porfolio project?

  7. Explain the difference between breadth-first and depth-first tree walks and give a practical example of an application where the difference matters.

  8. Explain the three most important things you learned from Dr. Garg's lecture 7.

  9. Explain the three most important things you learned from Dr. Garg's lecture 8.

  10. Explain the three most important things you learned from Dr. Garg's lecture 9.

  <==== Do this AFTER you''ve answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Revised 8 September 2013