CSC3971 Quiz 4

Spring 2013
Herbert J. Bernstein ( )

CSC3971 Quiz 4
Spring 2013


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Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 Herbert J. Bernstein and other parties. All rights reserved.

This is quiz 4 to be taken by Friday, 1 March 2013. It should take you between half an hour and 2 hours to answer the following questions. Please do it after you have done the rest of the assignment.

  <==== Do this AFTER you've answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Please fill in the following information:



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Please answer the following questions on this form (or on a paper copy of this form).

  1. What is SSI in the context of CGI?

  2. Discuss whether there is any particular computer language you should or should not use to write CGI scripts. For example, can you write a CGI script based on a fortran program or based on a cobol program?

  3. How does PHP use the semicolon and how does PHP use whitespace?

  4. Explain the handling of optional arguments in PHP.

  5. List 5 common syntactic mistakes in writing PHP.

  6. Give an example of connecting to a database in PHP.

  7. In python how can you most easily convert a string to be HTML-safe, including conversion of double-quotes?

  8. In PHP 5, what function returns the int Julian day count starting from a Gregorian date and what function returns the Gregorian date as a string for a given Julian day count?

  9. Give the URL for your first programming task presentation.

  10. Give the URL for your second programming task presentation.

  11. Give the URL for your third programming task presentation.

  12. Give the URL for your Java, C, C++ comparison.

  13. Summarize you analysis of the comparison on performance between bruteforce Perl and NearTree based C++ for the nearest neighbor problem.

  14. Paste the code of your best version of an answer to beebumblia in answer to this question.

  15. Paste the code of your best version of an answer to betterbias in answer to this question.

  16. Paste the code of your best version of an answer to binary in answer to this question.

  17. Paste the code of your best version of an answer to birthday in answer to this question.

  18. Paste the code of your best version of an answer to buffalo in answer to this question.

  <==== Do this AFTER you''ve answered all the questions

You probably DON'T want to do this ===>  

Revised 28 February 2013