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Herbert J. Bernstein Professor of Computer Science
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1300 William Floyd Parkway, B111B, Shirley, NY 11967

22238 CSC 2281A Network Design & Queuing Theory
Spring 2012
On Line Course

This web page is http://www.bernstein-plus-sons.com/.dowling/CSC2281S12/CSC2281_Syllabus.html
Copyright © 2005, 2011, 2012 Herbert J. Bernstein and other parties. All rights reserved.

This is the syllabus for CSC 2281 for Spring 2012. As the course moves forward, students should return to this page frequently for updated material.

Catalog description:

CSC 2281A. Network Design & Queuing Theory 3 credits

This course offers an interdisciplinary survey of network flows, queuing theory, computer networks and the applications of network theory to information systems and transportation systems. Students are introduced to problems related to shortest path and network flow algorithms, queuing theory, routing and scheduling, discrete and continuous capacity assignment, data communications hardware and protocols, and error control.

Prerequisite: CSC 1024N or permission of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department chair.

The Spring 2012 section is:

Network Design and Queuing Theory - 22238 - CSC 2281A - 0
Associated Term: Winter/Spring 2012
Registration Dates: Nov 14, 2011 to May 14, 2012
Levels: Undergraduate
Attributes: Liberal Arts
Instructors: Herbert J. Bernstein (P)

Dowling On Line Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
On Line Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
On line TBA   Internet teaching on line LINE Jan 27, 2012 - May 14, 2012 Lecture Herbert J. Bernstein (P)E-mail


Office Hours:

Students have the option of meeting with the instructor either on-site or via Skype. In order to avoid conflicts with other students and other obligations of the instructor, if possible please make an appointment via email.

Note that, in general, Dr. Bernstein will be at the Brookhaven campus on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and on the Oakdale campus on Wednesday afternoons. Meetings on the Oakdale campus will be in KSC 103. Meetings at the Oakdale campus are by appointment only.

For more information see http://www.bernstein-plus-sons.com/.dowling/HJB_Contact_Info.html.

Required Texts:

Much of the material required for this course will be on-line material. To conserve resources, most of this material will not be printed out for students. See:

Required Materials

Students are expected to have their text books no later than the second week of class.

Required Computer Accounts:

Each student has a Dowling College email account. In addition, each student is required to sign-up for a Google gmail account, so that they will have access to Google Sites and Google Blogger (blogspot.com). There will be a common course blog at http://yayahjbcsc2281s12.blogspot.com. In addition, each student is required to maintain their own blog for the course. Once you have a gmail account, you should create a blog for the course using your gmail user name followed by CSC2281S12. You will use the blog to discuss your own progress and to maintain useful brief notes for the course.

You will also need a Google Sites account to post your assignments and to maintain notes that are not appropriate for your course blog. There will be a common course web site at https://sites.google.com/site/yayahjbcsc2281s12/. Each student is required to maintain their own course web site, to which they will post their assignments. Once you have a gmail account, you should create a Google Sites course web page using your gmail user name followed by CSC2281S12.

In addition, each student will have an account on a unix system at Dowling College, on arcib.dowling.edu. Those accounts will be useful in running compilers and creation of web pages.


This is an online class, with no on-site meetings. The major risk in taking an on line course is in failing to make steady progress through the semester. Therefore, all students are required both to demonstrate their progress with on-line quizzes and to attend at least one online meeting every 2 weeks with the instructor to discuss the work they are doing for this class. Students are encouraged to schedule these online meetings in groups via Skype, but they may meet the requirement with individual Skype meetings or by on-site meetings during office hours.

Students who fail to maintain regular contact with the instructor prior to the midterm will get a midterm warning and be advised to withdraw from the course.

Grading Policy:

Many assignments will be given for drill. Students will be shown how to set up a minimal web site early in the course. All completed assignments must be posted on the student's web page by the due date. Students will be required to "turn in" some of those assignments for grading by sending an email with the appropriate URLs. Students will be given weekly brief quizzes related to, but not necessarily identical to, earlier assignments.

The weekly quizzes are open-web, open-book, open-notes quizzes, but that won't work in your favor if you don't do the reading.

Every student will be required to maintain a contemporaneous hardbound notebook recording all significant activities related to this course. The notebook should record the major topics discussed, questions about the subject matter of the course and the answers when they are found, and all activities related to the course project (see below).

You will be required to show your notebook to the instructor via Skype.

An open open-notes, open computer/calculator midterm and an open-notes, open computer/calculator final will be given. In general, no assignments will be accepted late and no makeups will be given for missed quizzes or examinations. Requests for exceptions to this policy will be considered only for the most pressing reasons (illness requiring hospitalization, death in the family, reserve call-up, etc.), must be submitted in writing or by email in a timely manner, and will be granted only if the instructor has sound reason to believe that the student is highly likely to master the material of the course within the current semester.

The only way to learn technical material such as this is to work with it.

Students must do the assignments steadily throughout the semester, not just to show that they know the material, but to give them the practice they need to learn the material well. Therefore, students are encouraged to submit all assignments on time.

Course Syllabus

The course will begin with administrative matters and some issues not covered in the texts.